
    Product Details

    The Dr.Aktive® cold compression therapy supports are recommended for the reduction of pain and swelling. They are great for post-op use and the ankle version is also ideal for the treatment of sprains, strains and swelling. Our cold therapy support is the ideal way to 'ice' the joint whether it be post exercise, injury or as part of a rehabilitation programme. Cold compression therapy will help minimise pain, reduce swelling and maximise your rehabilitation potential.

    Universal size that fits both ankles.

    For men and women

    Dr. Aktive CCT Ankle Cold Compression Supports


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      Dr. Aktive CCT Ankle Cold Compression Supports

      Dr. Aktive CCT Ankle Cold Compression Supports
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    Product Details

    The Dr.Aktive® cold compression therapy supports are recommended for the reduction of pain and swelling. They are great for post-op use and the ankle version is also ideal for the treatment of sprains, strains and swelling. Our cold therapy support is the ideal way to 'ice' the joint whether it be post exercise, injury or as part of a rehabilitation programme. Cold compression therapy will help minimise pain, reduce swelling and maximise your rehabilitation potential.

    Universal size that fits both ankles.

    For men and women


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